*Warning: only read when you want spoilers of Iceland.
By now, you would have known that I have traveled to Iceland and have totally fallen head over heels in love with Iceland. To tell you the truth, it’s even hard for me to describe what I love most about Iceland. The one accurate expression that describes my trip must be “wow!”. I constantly couldn’t find words sufficiently accurate to describe the beauty and the awe I feel for the place.
I think with all trips, it starts off with an expectation. Then we would deem the trip as good or bad in terms of whether our expectations are met during the trip. For example, I got to Paris expecting the wonders of the Eiffel Tower only to be at least slightly disappointed that the Eiffel Tower is not the most magical place in the world or at least what I would like to see as a child. So, I did not feel as happy with my trip in Paris as I was in Iceland. But I surely do see the charms of Paris as well, just different from what I wanted to see. So what should you do? Do not carry any expectation and let the place wow you with experiences beyond what you can imagine. Because you might even fall in love with a place deemed as boring by others. Everyone is different and we do get attracted to different things in a place.
So, speaking of expectations, I have not set my expectations too high for Iceland for fear that I might be disappointed with another trip even though I knew that Iceland has been well known for the beauty of its nature. That worked really well for me. Because every experience just got better. Not only the place, but the people with me.
The next 5 things are what I feel personally as the most attractive of Iceland:
1. The landscape

Initially I must say I was a little disappointed because all I see was plain fields when we were driving along from the airport. I soon realized I was totally wrong. The landscapes just got better and better as we drove further and further. One moment you will be witnessing magnificent mountains just beside you and then the next moment you see waterfalls and the next you see glaciers in front and even lakes. What makes it even better is the fact that it seems like you are the only one there in an untouched land on earth. You can even see from one end of the horizon to the next. Amazing is an understatement of the landscapes witnessed here.
2. The animals

Icelandic horses are well known to be different from normal horses. They look especially like ponies. And the sheep just look like big fluffy white wool along the grasses when driving past them. I was really privileged to be given a tour in a private farm owned by a couple who rented their house to us for a few days. From what I heard from the couple, it is common for Icelanders to own huge plots of land and animals. I wish I had the privilege to own one too! ☺️ Hence, I got to touch the Icelandic horses and see the rams and sheep at a closer distance and I absolutely adore the experience.
3. The air
Something is uniquely different in the air of Iceland. Having touched down from the airplane, I could immediately feel the difference. The air is really fresh. No pollution and just the smell of nature which might not be everyone’s taste as it could also include the smell of sulfur and of animals at times.
4. The natural geographical formations e.g. Waterfalls, craters, fields, glaciers , mountains

When studying, you can never understand how such formations are like as they seem to be limited to the size of images as seen in our textbooks. Not anymore when you visit Iceland. They are HUGE life-sized formations that you’ll get to witness firsthand. The beauty of it can only be appreciated when you’re viewing it close up. These, even photos will never do justice.
5. Northern lights

Yes, I placed this last because northern lights was just a bonus and a tip of the iceberg to the already beautiful place of Iceland.
The house that we stayed in was located far out from the city centre. And that was a huge advantage for us as northern lights tend to appear in wide open spaces. And my first northern light experience was right outside where we stay! ☺️ I must clarify that it is not as beautiful and as clear as shown in the camera and this is taken by my really really talented friend. So don’t be disappointed if you do not see this okay? ☺️ However, I did exclaim and marvel when I saw the northern lights. Why? Because no one told me that northern lights do “dance”. It was literally dancing and changing formations when I was witnessing the northern lights. And the amount of times when I exclaimed “oh my goodness, is it real?” is countless.
I was privileged enough to witness the northern lights twice. Once, outside our farm stay and second, at one of the mountains and I literally saw the mountain glowing for a while. It was SUCH AN AMAZING sight. That, I was not exaggerating. The countless number of stars in the night sky created a better ambiance for us. On a side note, I also happen to see shooting stars and yes I made a wish! I’m also going to tell you one thing that no one tells you when they witness northern lights, it is that it can be REALLY COLD. But it’s okay, you’ll be too busy looking at the northern lights to bother about the cold. ☺️

And I would like to add on a 6th that’s not unique to Iceland. The trip was really good only because of the company I came with. Honestly, it was certainly very interesting traveling with 9 others who might be really different from you and of whom you are not very close to initially. We got closer and closer quickly through the heart to heart talks in the car rides and for being genuine with one another. I also loved how we had different talents and all of us used it to serve one another in one way or another and that made it a really superb trip. Some took good photos, some drove us to places, some cook, some brought joy to us through their personalities, some were always helpful at all times. We lack nothing as a result and even felt like a family by the end of the trip. And I’m sure the birthday girl who got to celebrate her birthday in beautiful Iceland must be really really overjoyed. ♥
So, here’s Iceland and thanks to my really wonderful company which made Iceland the best trip I’ve ever had!
I do have to clarify that I am definitely one for nature and animals so going to a place like Iceland is like hitting it right on the spot for me and it may not be so for everyone else. ☺️
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