I am approaching the end of my exchange and I felt the need to recollect my thoughts and see how this exchange has changed me.
So this is for you who wants to know more about my journey, about exchange or about the decision to go on one, I hope that this would answer some of your questions. This is a little lengthy, so bear with me.
To be honest, I really did not know what is to come and what I should be preparing for despite talking to a few of my friends and seniors who have gone for one. However, I did belittle this exchange experience and associated it merely to an extended holiday as I knew lessons would be nothing like the ones in Singapore. Thinking back, it was nothing like a mere holiday, so many lessons, struggles, joys, blessings and life skills involved. You can ask any friend of mine, and many would tell you that I have a fair share of ups and downs. Name any emotion, I may have probably felt it this exchange.
And here’s a list of what I think I have learnt, improved on or saw a change in this exchange:
1. Gaining Practical Skills
-Cooking and Baking

I am sure all exchange students can agree with me on this. Even if you knew how to cook before exchange, there’s no doubt that you can now cook a decent meal confidently in the kitchen if you are asked to. There’s just so many opportunities for you to cook because you have to save money by dining in. I was not worried about this as I was rather confident I could cook a decent meal for myself but trust me I have gone from cooking for 1 to cooking for 10. That, even I was impressed. I also learnt how to bake and improvise according to the climate. I have a friend, completely new to baking before exchange and have now not only loved it but bakes really yummy goodies.
-Direction sense

I can be pretty bad in terms of directions. As I do enjoy traveling alone, I knew that I had to up my game and try not to get lost when I am alone. The result of throwing myself out and struggling in Bristol (My only solo trip so far) is the opportunity to see myself with the ability to guide myself around and being increasingly better at it. I was amazed that I survived without help.
-Planning for trips

As I am a perfectionist, planning a trip used to be really tiring for me. I will put everything and anything I know about the place, directions to the place and transport if I can. Not only that, I would even format it to my liking, with a pleasing font and font colour, I just cannot see a document in a mess. Not that I can take it right now but I know how to plan for trips more efficiently now and some apps are amazing for planning. If you would like to know, when traveling in Europe use these 2 amazing apps: citymaps2go (for directions) and railplanner (for train timings). I have survived many trips with the use of these 2 apps. I am sure even in Asia, citymaps2go would work as well.

I have never had the habit of going about recording my purchases and taking note of what and how I spend my money. On exchange, I had to be prudent and the way to know you have not gone out of budget is to record your expenses. As I like writing it down as opposed to having an excel sheet to help me, I keep a diary full of my expenditures. On many occasions, I felt really accomplished spending within budget or when I know that my accounts are kept in check. I am definitely going to try to bring this habit back home with me.
Moving on, the next few in the list are changes on the inside that few may talk about.
2. Gaining Confidence

I would say that while I am not the most insecure person, I am not the most confident person as well. Well I must say that I do not advocate for confidence to a level of arrogance but I believe in confidence in yourself and things that you believe in so that you are secure and not so easily shaken. When I found flaws that I had while on exchange, I learnt to accept it and not beat myself over it. What is most important is my willingness to learn and to change. I am imperfect and many are too. Instead of being downcast, I found myself being increasingly confident in the gifts or talents that I have and to bless others with it.
3. Greater Knowledge of the world

Arbeit Machtfret: “Work Sets You Free”

Holocaust Memorial: Remembering the murdered Jews of Europe
Naive and ignorant was I before exchange. I like to know that I know much about the world. But by learning more about the world, I have ironically learnt to be more humble. Because now I know, there is always something new to learn about people or about the world. That is why I love traveling because I really learn it by heart. In history class, I have learnt about WWII but I simply forget it after exams. Having gone to Anne Frank House and the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, I saw how real lives were affected. They were people with dreams and ambitions but in the World War, could only dream that they could realize it in the future. Well, look at Anne Frank for an instance.
“I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I’m a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage.”
― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
I can only say I am thankful to be born in this generation, blessed with peace in Singapore. And just like Anne Frank, I want to have the courage to pursue what I want and what I stand for.

Switzerland: Interlaken and Swiss Alps

Tree trunk like Pillars from the Sagrada Familia
I also saw how beautiful the world can be when void of all buildings and development just like Iceland where nature was displaying beauty at its best. And in Switzerland, the alps and the lakes were so amazing a sight to witness. And I learn to see that the Creator of this universe has such a good sense of craftsmanship. It is no wonder that even the architect Antoni Gaudi, took much inspiration from nature in the building of the church, Sagrada Familia. The pillars in the church were made to resemble tree trunks when you go into the church.
4. Opportunity to learn from others

I am so blessed. God surrounded me with so many unique and beautiful individuals this exchange. When interacting with people, you get to see their worldview, why they do what they do and what they are passionate about. There is always a lot to talk to to another person. And I am left with deep admiration to some for daring to be who they are made to be, respect for those who are unafraid to stand up for what is right and thankfulness whenever I witness genuine love shown amongst my friends towards others.
5. Ability to smile when trials come

I have met with many difficulties over the course of 6 months. On my first day of Lund, I had trouble with my luggage and with the directions to my accomodation resulting in 2 hours in the rain with my luggage. I have survived a more than 24 hours on train with about 5 transfers with no accomodation in between. That’s because my friends and I missed one train which then led to a snow-ball effect resulting in us missing the rest of the trains. I have also survived a night in Macdonalds and the train station because we had no accomodation at night and was met with strange encounters. I can go on but all these experiences had a similarity, I was caught in shock. I did not plan for all these events.
I learn to then smile and joke about it. To see what I can learn from it. To be a support for my friends. And to trust that God is moulding me into someone better even when it is diffcult. I’ve learnt patience, love, independence, courage among many others.
There is a verse that I find especially comforting when going through bad days.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -John 16:33
6. Insight to my future ambitions/goals

Exchange buys you time. I had the luxury of time to think about what I want and what I want to do with my life in the future. I cannot say for sure that I have got it all figured out. But I know for sure that I am a lot clearer and I know more of what I am inclined to do in the future. And it really helps when I have a group of friends who constantly encourages me to pursue what I want as well, you know who you are.
Well these are not all I am sure, and if you want to know more or share with me what you have learnt on your exchange, I will be more than delighted to hear from you. Finally, I’ll like to leave you with this:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
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