What do I do with long hours of traveling?

Since the previous post was a little serious, I hope that this would be something lighter. :)

Having traveled to several parts of Europe, I find long traveling hours a norm when traveling around Europe especially via the train. Traveling from Lund to Stockholm could take you approximately 4 hours and that’s only within Sweden. Initially, I felt uncomfortable with extended periods of free time and often felt impatient and bored. Now, I commit myself to doing a few things with the extra few hours that I have:

1. I take time to REST.

Rest is a very essential component of traveling. Traveling can be really tiring especially when done consecutively. I find myself often overestimating the energy that I have and find myself really tired out by the end of the trip. This is partly because I am a really light sleeper and can be disturbed by the slightest sound, movement and brightness levels. That means a night’s rest anywhere does not guarantee full rest. You get what I mean? ☺

Back in Singapore, rest is luxury. I feel very guilty whenever I do nothing. I am constantly on the move and always striving to be ahead of time. But the fact is I can never beat time. So now, I’ve learnt to appreciate the freedom to simply relax, breathe and sleep without feeling any guilt. I find myself less stress and happier a person.

2. When I’m fully rested, I JOURNAL

A habit that I’ve found extremely rewarding to keep is the habit of journaling. Ever since my first day here, I have been faithfully journaling down my daily thoughts and recording the blessings and difficulties that come my way. The result? I have learnt greater appreciation of everything around me and I’ve learnt more of myself, of others and of many lessons on love, patience, independence, self-control and many more. Recording each day has enabled me to see how I can learn something more everyday. Lessons are definitely beyond books and lecture halls. Journaling will definitely be a habit that I would like to bring home.


With the extra few hours on the train, I find myself being able to know more about my travel partners if not by asking questions then through the sharing of life experiences. It strengthens more of my friendship with them on so many levels. I often find it really rewarding to be able to know a person better and after to be a blessing to them.

4. Then, I find time to MEDITATE and PRAY.

Nothing calms me more than being able to take time to pray and read the bible. After a tiring day, not only do I need to rest physically but mentally as well. And after equipping myself with God’s words, I feel like I’m good to go again for yet another trip and experience even though its difficult.

5. And if I have ASSIGNMENTS, I would then take time to do it too.

When you travel very frequently, you realize you have to bring work along with you. And yes, its not as easy as it seems but I think I am coping well :)

These are just some things that I like doing! So, what about you? What would you do when you travel for long?


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