Remembering Previous Blessings

It is easy to remember that God is good and God provides when things are going the way we want or when everything is going well. But when bad times strike, we become forgetful and we start to cast doubt and blame everything and even God for the situation that happened. Today, I knew of something that I didn't expect and didn't want to happen.

I don't want to react like how I would before. Instead, I want to remember that God has been good in my life and I want to count and remember the blessings God has already given me. The blessings He has given me was the best thing that could happen then, and therefore He would not hold back His future promises and plans for me in the future. I know that this little suffering or difficulty I am currently facing is nothing in comparison with the grand plans He has for me.

And I also want to remember that it is a huge privilege to be able to suffer and tide through difficulty for God. In this way, my faith would be tested and I will grow even stronger for God. My friend once told me that God must have so much faith in you and He must have known you were able to go through it for Him to allow you to go through so much. Sometimes, we just need reminders.

So today, I want to remind myself of an amazing blessing God has granted me: my exchange story. And I'll like to share this amazing story with you too.

       I wanted to go for exchange ever since the first year but I am not very sure when and where and how. I decided to take the step of faith and tried applying last year. I have only applied to UK universities as I knew perfectly well that I wanted UK as I have many friends there and I want to be in familiar ground. After the first round of application, the school got back to tell me by thanking me that I applied. Well, I knew of a second window of application so I was not so easily defeated. So, I tried again on my second application, banging all my hopes on one university in the UK, University of Herdfordshire. As by then, there was no vacancy in the other UK universities for arts students. Some time later, I received the same email that thanked me for applying once again.

       I gave up knowing that there were only 2 windows of opportunity and I have lost it. I told myself, its okay, you will try again next year. Just when I was fully convinced that I would not be going for an exchange, an email from the school was sent informing the students that there was a third window! At that point in time, I had "Are you serious?" written all over my face. This is not normal procedure for sure. I checked the document that revealed the vacancies available for each host university that my school (NTU) partners. I was not interested in at least 80% of the schools in the list. However, I gave some attention to Lund University as I remembered speaking to Jo about the school when we were discussing the schools to apply to. Immediately, I asked Jo if I should apply for the school remembering that she was accepted into the university. To my surprise, she was more than excited in her reply to me and told me to go for it when I told her that there was only 1 vacancy left. I also asked my mum and she surprised me by telling me that she actually liked Sweden better.

       I decided that since there is no harm in trying, I tried for the 3rd time. This time, with only one choice - Lund University. It seems like I was playing with luck. But I really wasnt. I had no other intention of getting into any other school and therefore my only choice. I forgotten about the application a short while after as they did not get back to me. One day when I was in a class doing my in-class assignment, I checked the mail and realized that I received an email with a congratulatory note. I clicked on it and realized I got into Lund University.

What are the odds that you are the last student that is accepted into the University for exchange? In a school of many students who may have applied for the same university as me, I was able to get the opportunity instead of others. This is not by chance I am sure. And it must have been God who granted me the opportunity.

Looking back, I am as convinced as I was back then that this is a miracle performed by God. And I must remember every single day that God will make my paths straight as long as I look to Him. And look at what I have today? An exchange so good that I will remember for a lifetime.

So why am I so forgetful? Bad times don't last.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. 
- Proverbs 3:5-6


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