Unexpected Blessing from God

I have been rather busy lately planning for an event for my church this March 14th. My role is to lead the younger ones in church to plan the event as opposed to planning for one myself. I have seen that to lead can be more challenging than to do the planning itself. It may even require more time and energy as you work with different younger ones who would be taking on different roles. It can be tricky working with busy youths today as they tend to like to plan on a last minute basis and events are hardly planned on such a basis.

Hence, besides leading them, I learn to teach and be reminded myself of the principles and rationale behind why we plan for the event and try my best to balance out their busyness and the work they have from school with the commitment of planning the event.

This role is not always easy. Back in July when I was leading another event with the younger ones from church, I was a lot more impatient and stressed as I did not know how to work with the younger ones. If you were to see me in that time period, you would always catch me in deep thought. I end up taking a lot of the responsibilities myself and I find myself being overwhelmed and upset.

This time round, I can say that I saw a dramatic change. I was calm and I had fun working with the younger ones and knew how to get everyone involved. Not only that, as I work more closely with the girls that I am currently taking for Bible Study, I got to be closer and I could understand them a lot better. Just last night, I met one of the girls to discuss the planning of the event and what I got was far more than getting the planning done. I was so blessed by talking to her and I found out that God brought many similar experiences between us and I shared with her how I overcame the difficult circumstances that is now troubling her. If not for this event, I wouldn't have known her so much more.

This event planning turned out to be such a great and unexpected blessing from God. I learn to see increasingly that there can be so much joy when serving God. I am really thankful that God has been changing my perspective and the way I see my service to him and I am so glad I gave God the time and energy for this event as what I got was so much more.

"If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 
- 1 Peter 4:11


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