Three Examples of Love

The glitter and glamour of love is shown every February the 14th. But what is not so glamorous but yet extremely powerful are examples of love that I learnt of recently.  Each story is so inspirational and so touching in their own way. While Valentine's might be a month ago, it is not too late to learn something about love or to extend love.  (Here's a warning that by the end of all the videos, you may get teary-eyed.)

1. Dennis and Carita
The first story that I would love to share is an adoption story I happen to see circulating around Facebook recently. This story was first shared 3 years ago. Dennis and Carita have been wanting a child for 9 years and baby Jacob was the answer to their prayers. The emotions captured in the video were very genuine and I loved the moment when both Dennis and Carita soaked in the awe they were feeling and teared tears of joy when meeting baby Jacob. This couple teaches of love beyond family relations. It is possible to extend so much love to someone or anyone that God has blessed in your life. The couple adopted, accepted and loved baby Jacob as if he was their own.

2. Budi Soehardi
The second is a story of a man named Budi Soehardi. This story was shared with my bible study contact by her teacher when she was secondary 3 and this story has stayed with and inspired her till today. After watching the video, she was convinced that she wanted to do something for the orphanage. She shared it with me recently through her blog and I want to share this amazing love story with the rest of you. 

Budi Soehardi started an orphanage to provide education and shelter for the children after a disastrous natural disaster that happened. Budi and his wife (Peggy) gave their life to serving, loving and caring for 48 children in Indonesia. "We treat the children here as if they are our own children. They call me Pa Budi and they call my wife Mama," said Budi . In the video, you can see that Budi is genuinely happy and contented being the father of 48 children. Even when Budi Soehardi received the CNN heroes award, he gave the recognition to his wife and his children and not himself. 

Budi Soehardi shows us that love is sacrificial (we do not demand anything out of the love that we give) but filled with so much joy. 

3. Coach Chris Roberts
My last story of today is a story I came across while reading blog posts from The Rebelution. Christian Osterhout lost his parents to illnesses. And he could have been orphaned by the age of 18. Yet, he wasn't because his football coach, Chris Roberts, lovingly took him into his family and cared and loved him as a father would to his child. Coach Chris Roberts could have easily backed away from the full responsibility of taking care of Christian but yet, he provided. Love provides.

These stories are amazing stories of love and it is good to be reminded that the people who loved are as ordinary as we are. I am challenged to do something more to love the people that God blessed me with.

"We love because he first loved us."
-1 John 4:19


  1. Florence,

    The first adoption video got me! My mother was adopted, and it's really a God-given grace to receive another as your own.

    These are acts of true, selfless love. Valentine's Day should represent these types of love as well.

    In Him,

    Mary Madeline

    1. Hello Mary Madeline,

      Thankyou for dropping by. Thankyou for sharing that with me and it is amazing to see how God works in the lives of the people around us, don't you think?

      Yes, I agree that even during Valentines and our everyday life, we can be powerful testimonies of His love :)

